This book is largely based on the computer vision courses that I have co-taught at the University of Washington(2020,2008,2005,2001) with Steve Seitzand Harpreet Sawhneyand at Stanford (2003)with David Fleet.
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The scientific findings are at this stage quite light and need to be improved. The preceding comments may guide the authors in improving their contributions. The authors claim that, to their knowledge, they are the first to describe how important neurological theories, namely the dual coding theory and the two-stream vision model, are related to the history (and background) of modern multimodal deep learning practices. The thinking is certainly good but needs more formal framework and mathematical expression to be effectively exploited. My suggestions to authors1. Try to explain clearly where the current weaknesses of bilinear pooling lie and not just the dataset problem. 2. In the light of these weaknesses propose ideas for improvement or correction.3. Formalize their idea of the dual coding theory and the dual stream vision model so that it can have a significant contribution in this area. 2ff7e9595c