This compendium of the occult includes entries on topics as diverse and dangerous as Aleister Crowley, secret societies, psychedelics, and magick in theory and practice. The result is an alchemical formula that may well rip a hole in the fabric of your reality:
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Having said that, in the course of 24 years of almost daily occult practice and exploration, some very bizarre things have manifested in front of my lovely, flaring nostrils and I've been forced to alter my view of life, death and reality accordingly.
The hypersigil or supersigil develops the sigil concept beyond the static image and incorporates elements such as characterization, drama and plot. The hypersigil is a sigil extended through the fourth dimension. My own comic book series The Invisibles was a six-year long sigil in the form of an occult adventure story which consumed and recreated my life during the period of its composition and execution. The hypersigil is an immensely powerful and sometimes dangerous method for actually altering reality in accordance with intent. Results can be remarkable and shocking.
We need to be clear about this: from the time, some tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago, that language invaded and colonized our cerebrums, we have increasingly lost touch with the reality of things. Reality has been replaced with relation, a mapping of things-as-they-are to things-as-we-believe-them-to-be. Language allows us to construct complex systems of symbols, the linear narratives which frame our experience. Yet a frame invariably occults more of the world than it encompasses, and this exclusion leaves us separated from the world-as-it-is.
By chance I tuned in to the latter part of your program discussing science and the occult with Christopher Lehrich. I thought he was very well informed and well spoken.A point that is often overlooked in such discussions is that the most basic forces of nature that are studied by science, such as gravity and magnetism, are themselves magical and miraculous. The only difference between these forces and levitation, for example, is that the former are commonplace and seemingly inevitable, while the latter is either uncommon or nonexistenent, depending on whether or not you seem to have experienced it. If you play with the similar poles of two magnets and feel that uncanny, elastic, repulsive force, it is as magical and occult as anything you can imagine. It is clearly impossible, yet there it is! Scientists can describe it and measure the "force field" mathematically, but they cannot actually explain it. It just IS. The same with gravity. We experience it every moment, we take it for granted and call it WEIGHT. Only the experience of astronauts in orbit can pierce that illusion of "normalcy." There is no reason at all why bodies floating in space should attract each other. They just DO.Even matter, that most solid and "normal" basis of everyday life, evaporates into incomprehensible entities that are more like "force fields" or "packets of energy" the deeper you investigate and dissect it. "Energy" itself is incomprehensible and inexplicable. It is just a word we use to denote something that is elusive and phantasmal, yet commonplace and inevitable.In this very real sense, then, science is just the investigation, description, and measurement of everyday occult and magical reality.
I have been more than ten years investigating on Abderrahman Ibn Khaldun's ideas and theories about supernatural perceptions, which come from the occult (al ghayb). It is in him a field very rich, with remarkable notes on methodology, reasoning, and philosophy of mind. Even if the perspective of him who approaches these themes in that author is not merely historical, it has something very interesting to say about the experiences in that field of a really strange reality. Among many things I have been struck with as curious on what he says about the supernatural, what is most astonishing is when he describes the behaviour and symptoms of people who will have supernatural revelations. Though he is talking about islamic people, and writes in the XIV century, many of the things he says could be acknowledged and approved by mystics and saints of many religions in the past and nowadays. The book in which he writes about these themes (in an incidental way, because he writes mainly about theory of history) is his famous Al-Muqaddima, at the end of the introduction, the 6th prefatory discussion. 2ff7e9595c